
Events (16432)

Date Time (utc) Latitude Longitude Magnitude Depth (km) Region Mode Map
06/03/2019 18:47:24 4.13 S 142.99 E 5.6 121 New Guinea Papua New Guinea A -
06/03/2019 16:30:18 55.36 N 164.55 E 5.2 10 Komandorskiye Ostrova Region A -
06/03/2019 15:46:12 31.99 S 177.86 W 6.2 10 Kermadec Island Region A -
06/03/2019 13:57:17 3.88 N 127.16 E 5.2 10 Talaud Islands, Indonesia A -
06/03/2019 08:39:26 2.61 N 127.33 E 4.6 10 Northern Molucca Sea A -
06/03/2019 07:20:46 36.14 S 97.38 W 5.4 10 West of Chile Rise A -
06/03/2019 05:11:03 55.48 S 1.61 W 5.3 10 Bouvet Island Region A -
06/03/2019 00:13:01 8.54 N 126.89 E 5.7 10 Mindanao, Philippines A -
05/03/2019 21:48:10 36.87 N 72.20 E 3.6 180 Afghanistan-Tajikistan Border Region. A -
05/03/2019 21:27:34 36.91 N 72.16 E 3.7 140 Afghanistan-Tajikistan Border Region. A -
05/03/2019 20:09:37 2.77 S 129.77E 5.0 10 Seram Indonesia A -
05/03/2019 15:58:21 14.39 N 92.92 W 5.0 10 Near Coast of Chiapas, Mexico A -
05/03/2019 15:26:46 36.02 N 70.33 E 4.6 169 Hindu Kush Region, Afghanistan M -
05/03/2019 13:45:01 14.62 N 92.99 W 5.1 10 Near Coast of Chiapas, Mexico A -
05/03/2019 12:01:20 51.98 N 175.22 E 5.2 10 Rat Islands Aleution Islands A -
05/03/2019 11:41:10 14.32 N 92.86 W 5.2 10 Near Coast of Chiapas, Mexico A -
04/03/2019 23:10:09 30.24N 67.43E 3.0 16 42 Km East of Quetta M -
04/03/2019 13:02:49 53.49 N 108.43 E 5.2 10 Lake Baykal Region Russia A -
04/03/2019 10:06:01 5.30 S 146.29 E 5.8 10 Eastern New Guinea Reg, P.N.G. A -
04/03/2019 04:51:27 55.20 N 161.61 W 4.9 10 Alaska Peninsula A -
04/03/2019 02:02:07 31.02 N 66.97 E 3.0 16 50 Km North East of Chaman, Balochistan M -
04/03/2019 00:35:55 28.41 N 66.89 E 2.3 15 60 Km South WEst of Kallat M -
03/03/2019 22:51:46 8.13 S 122.99 E 4.6 10 Flores Region Indonesia A -
03/03/2019 20:54:39 18.64N 161.33 E 4.2 262 Vanuatu Islands A -
03/03/2019 15:25:54 18.56 N 101.05 W 5.3 10 Guerrero Mexico A -
03/03/2019 13:09:20 30.38 N 67.99 E 3.5 15 58 Km West of Loralai Balochistan M -
03/03/2019 12:43:08 28.50 N 65.14 E 2.5 10 28 Km SW of Kharan Balochistan M -
03/03/2019 10:45:07 1.43 S 120.21 E 4.9 10 Sulawesi, Indonesia. A -
03/03/2019 10:31:12 30.98 S 177.12 W 5.6 10 Kermadec Islands New Zealand A -
03/03/2019 06:33:29 29.09 N 68.10 E 4.1 15 55 Km SE of Sibi Balochistan M -
03/03/2019 06:33:20 28.80 N 67.38 E 4.5 10 82KM SE OF KALAT M -
02/03/2019 20:22:11 34.24 N 72.59 E 5.5 127 Near Coast of Central Chile A -
02/03/2019 19:46:29 18.66 N 120.14 E 5.6 63 Luzon, Philippines. A -
02/03/2019 16:34:01 22.20 N 143.81 E 5.7 116 Volcano Islands, Japan Region A -
02/03/2019 15:51:54 30.82 N 142.00 E 5.3 10 Southeast of Honshu, Japan A -
02/03/2019 12:27:58 9.82 S 149.94 E 5.0 10 Eastern New Guinea Region, P.N.G. A -
02/03/2019 08:06:09 46.25 N 149.76 E 4.6 178 Kuril Islands A -
02/03/2019 03:22:53 42.08 N 147.12 E 5.9 10 Off Coast of Hokkaido, Japan A -
02/03/2019 02:16:55 6.90 S 155.60 E 5.5 10 Solomon Islands M -
01/03/2019 22:43:25 30.61 S 71.69 W 5.3 10 Near Coast of Central Chile A -
01/03/2019 20:51:15 17.38 N 121.31 E 4.8 10 Luzon, Philippines A -
01/03/2019 14:38:36 12.02S 167.83E 5.2 358 Santa Cruz Islands A -
01/03/2019 09:09:46 29.77S 130.61E 5.8 113 South Australia A -
01/03/2019 08:50:17 14.59 S 69.55 W 7.0 253 Peru-Bolivia Border Region. A -
01/03/2019 08:01:27 27.52 N 63.67 E 4.0 35 76KMNW OF PANJGUR M -
01/03/2019 06:10:16 32.700 76.599 3.0 5 Kashmir-India Border Region M -
01/03/2019 01:02:13 53.88 S 159.71 E 5.6 10 Macquarie Islands Region. A -
01/03/2019 01:00:41 5.11 N 125.47 E 5.5 189 Mindanao, Philippines A -
01/03/2019 00:13:28 28.30 S 63.25 W 5.2 562 Santiago Del Estero Prov., Argentina A -
28/02/2019 20:24:21 31.96 N 69.52 E 4.5 76 66 km North of Zhob, Blochistan M -